- The army made a stand against the fierce attack. 部队抵抗敌人猛烈的进攻。
- They made a stand and took a rest. 他们停下来休息一下。
- In February1916 the French Army made a stand at Verdun. 一九一六年二月,法国军队在凡尔登进行了有力的抵抗。
- In February 1916 the French army made a stand at Verdun. 1916年二月,法国军队在凡尔登奋力抵抗。
- He didn't take a stand for the proposal until he had some information. 直到他掌握了某些情况,他才赞成这个建议。
- If he wants my vote he'll have to take a stand on the question of free trade. 如果他要我投他的票,他就必须在自由贸易问题上采取坚定的立场。
- We have a stand at the ideal home exhibition. 我们在“理想家庭”展览会上有一展台。
- We were impelled by circumstances to take a stand. 我们因形势所迫而采取一个立场
- The show won a standing ovation. 这场演出赢得全场起立鼓掌。
- We must take a stand on political issues. 在政治问题上,我们必须表明并坚持我们的立场。
- We were put to a stand for want of men and money. 我们由于缺乏人手和资金而停了下来。
- Bloggs hung his hat and coat on a stand. 布罗格斯把上衣和帽子挂在衣帽架上。
- He set up a stand on the pedlars' market. 他在集贸市场上设了个摊床。
- We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area. 他们邀请我们将来到那里时去他们家做客。
- A stand for a set of condiment containers. 架子放多种调味品容器的架子
- They took a stand against the hunting. 他们反对狩猎。
- We must make a stand against further job losses. 我们必须采取措施,防止进一步裁员。
- The business is at a stand still. 因资金匮乏。生意陷于停顿。
- A stand of trees will break the wind. 一排树会减弱风势。
- We were impelledby circumstances to take a stand. 我们因形势所迫而采取一个立场。